Writing Quote Wednesday: Beautiful Things
“Sometimes, beautiful things are not recognized by more than just one or two people. That doesn’t make them less beautiful.”
Life After Art: What You Forgot About Life and Faith Since You Left the Art Room by Matt Appling

Have you struggled with your writing? Do you wonder if any agent will ever take it on? Do you wonder if an editor will buy it? Do you wonder if it will ever reach real readers?
I know some of my writing friends and I have struggled with these thoughts. Yet, each of us is creating work. We are creating it, sharing it with each other, and it’s beautiful. Sometimes my critique group members manage to move me to tears with their writing. Sometimes they leave me in awe.
Sometimes only a handful of us have seen that piece of writing.
But that doesn’t make it any less beautiful than if it made the New York Times Bestsellers List.
Teresa Robeson
That is a wonderful sentiment and so true! It would be great if more people could see our best writing but good writing is good writing no matter how many or how few people get to experience it. 🙂
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Yes, and we just hope more people WILL get to see it. That’s the dream, right?
Donna L Sadd
Marcie, your post took only a second for me to read, but I’m positive I will keep it in the back of my head for a very long time. Thank you. :0)
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Thank you, Donna!
Alayne Kay Christian
I love this post, Marcie. To me, it is beautiful. Pun intended, but in a seriously cute way. The post truly did touch me.