Mom’s Write: Why I’m An Artist Date Rule Breaker
I’m an Artist Date rule-breaker. There I said it. I like Julia Cameron’s THE ARTIST’S WAY. I love this idea of a weekly Artist Date—you know where she says you must go fill your artist’s well on an outing—alone.
She recommends going to a museum or a play or taking a walk in a beautiful park. Something that allows your mind to play. Her blog even has 101 suggestions for Artists’ Dates.
I don’t take issue with the Artist Date. I think it’s a great idea. I do many of the things she suggested, or I’d be willing try them. However, it’s the solo part I take issue with.
This doesn’t exactly fit with my reality. I can’t always go on a weekly Artist Date by myself. Mostly, I don’t have that much time to myself. When I do, I usually lock the bathroom door and have a bubble bath.
I think there is value in going out and absorbing other artistic or peaceful places. Of course, going alone helps you think. It feeds your work.
But I also think mothers of young children may take the suggestion as nearly impossible. If you are working, writing, and mothering, finding a weekly date to go out alone that doesn’t involve your to-do list might not work, at least on a weekly basis. You can only parcel out so much alone time. I mean, I work full-time, I write when my kids are asleep (and often when they’re awake). I make time for my writing group. All of this is time spent away from them.

So I began to ask the question WHY NOT? And I summon my best Mo Willem’s NAKED MOLE RAT GETS DRESSED voice when I say this.
WHY NOT take your kids with you on an Artist Date? You might say, “Because I can’t hear myself think when I’m out with my kids.”
True. But if you are a children’s writer, I find this whole Artist Date idea to be family-friendly.

I write picture books. My picture book brain was filled when I took my daughter to see a play adaptation of a children’s book at our local Children’s Theatre. My writer’s soul was filled when I took her to see Nikki Giovanni and Chris Raschka do a tandem presentation. She was just as thrilled as I was to go to Candice Ransom’s book launch party.

I’m busy, and I’ll bet you are too. I’m not opposed to an occasional REAL Artists Date that involves visiting some museum alone. But, I’m tired of thinking that there’s some RULE that my writing is going to be less wonderful or my soul will be less fulfilled if my kids tag along.
Oh, and if you asked my kids if they liked going on Artist Dates, they wouldn’t have a clue what you are talking about. To them, it’s just life.
I love having time alone just as much as the next writer, but I also found myself open to a lot more possibilities for Artist Dates when I stopped following the rules.
Do you take your kids on Artist Dates? If so, what do you do?
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