Mentor Text Lessons,  VerseDay

VerseDay: Poetry Month Post #4

poetry mentor textsPoetry Book of the Week


by Lynne Dorfman and Rose Cappelli

Stenhouse, 2013

ISBN: 978-1-57110-949-1

POETRY MENTOR TEXTS was written for teachers who want to use mentor texts in teaching students how to write poetry. Each chapter walks teachers through specific types of poetry. List poems, acrostic poems, persona poems, and poetry for two voices are studied in depth using mentor poems, sample student writing, and lessons to incorporate into the classroom. Poems by Avis Harley, Ralph Fletcher, J. Patrick Lewis, Kristine O’Connell George, Douglas Florian, Joyce Sidman and many other famous children’s poets have featured poems in this text. If you are looking for ways to utilize poetry as a mentor text, then this book is a great resource.

I also recommend Dorfman and Cappelli’s other mentor text books MENTOR TEXTS and NONFICTION MENTOR TEXTS, also published by Stenhouse.

Previous Poetry Month Posts on Poetry Mentor Texts:

Grumbles from the Forest

Forest Has a Song

One Big Rain


Today’s post for VerseDay is over at Clear Eyes, Full Shelves. It’s Novel in Verse Week and today’s post is a roundup of recommendations for the “Verse Averse.”


  • Elizabeth

    I also really love “ROSE WHERE DID YOU GET THAT RED?” by Kenneth Koch, who did Poetry in the Schools in the 1970s. The book details real exercises he did with his inner-city primary-middle kids — and their wonderful results.