Making Time to Write Mondays,  Mom's Write

Mom’s Write: What Can You Live Without?

What Can You Live Without?

There’s a finite amount of time in a day. Since most of my day consists of a non-writing day job, I have to really be careful about my hours outside of work. When I wanted to get serious about making a career out of writing, I had to think about what I could live without.

I can do without TV. I grew up overseas with a Beta VCR and no cable. So, the constant addiction to television was foreign to me when I moved back to the United States for college. I’m not anti-TV. I do watch TV, but I also know that I can live without it. When I need to get more writing done, that’s something I CAN give up.

What Can You NOT Live Without?

Eating local and healthy is also a priority for our family. Yes, it takes longer. Yes, it’s slightly more expensive. But my daughter and husband have food allergies. Eating processed foods is simply not a viable option for us. This is a health issue, so an allergy-free dinner is a priority. Some people might think this is a special “diet” that is temporary, but this is something that affects their health. Screaming stomach pains and hives are not something that I enjoy. We can not live without paying attention to what we eat.

What Can You Delegate?

When I was pregnant, I was very, very sick. It was all I can do to make it through a work day without vomiting (most of the time with vomiting). By the time I got home from work, I couldn’t do much. My husband took over almost all of the daily chores. Since my son was born, he has kept up the laundry and the deep cleaning. I don’t spend my Sunday afternoons doing laundry—he does. Sunday afternoons are sacred writing times for me. I’m grateful that he can take on this time-consuming chore.


We all have things that are necessary. Family members have to be fed, bills must be paid, you must go to your day job. But if you list all of the things you really want to make a priority, what is at the top of the list?

For me, spending time with my family and pursuing a writing career are priorities.

I’ve had to give up my domestic diva mentality to spending time with these areas in my life. I’ve had to give up sleep too. But I don’t regret it.


If you’re having trouble making time to write, think about what you can live without, what you can NOT live without, and what you can delegate. Make writing a priority, not something you’ll do when everything else is done.