Poetry Friday

Poetry Friday: April 22

This week’s Poetry Friday host is at Reflections on the Teche

Haiku of the Week

spring winds catch blossoms

peel back their pale pink petals

unveil hidden stars

–Photo and Haiku by Marcie Flinchum Atkins


What I’m Reading

The Lost Language by Claudia Mills (Margaret Ferguson/Holiday House, 2021)

Claudia Mills teaches at Hollins, where I got my MFA. When I found out she wrote a novel-in-verse, I knew I had to read it. With a main character named Bumble and best friend named Lizard, I was sold. This is a friendship story where two girls try to figure out how to save an endangered language. But it also doesn’t hold back from tackling anxiety, depression, alcoholism, and parents who struggle with hard things.

As a writer of poetry myself, I particularly loved how she uses titles to help set up the poem and do some of the setup.