Poetry Friday

Poetry Friday May 27, 2022

Today’s Poetry Friday roundup is at my friend Linda’s blog! 

It’s been a tough couple of weeks. There is some medical stuff happening with our extended family. An old friend (not old–he was my age–but from long ago) died this week unexpectedly. And my oldest is graduating from high school. In the last week, we’ve had the last regatta, prom, last orchestra concert, and I’m feeling all the emotions–pride, sadness, excitement, nostalgia. We’ve had quick trips home, hospital visits, and a funeral tomorrow. 

And there is so much heartbreak in the world with yet another tragic school shooting. They always hit me hard as I’ve been a teacher for more than 20 years. Columbine happened in my first year of teaching. I feel sick and heartbroken and angry each time. I have also tried not to watch or read much news this week because I can tell there are too many emotions piling up and they will just spill over. 

I haven’t been able to get out in nature as much. I haven’t taken enough walks. I need to. But our schedules have been so busy with all of the things happening as the school year comes to a close. I did step out into our yard and take a few pictures, which is the haiku I am offering this week. 

Haiku of the Week

I’m going to take a Poetry Friday break next week because of graduation and family in town. I’ll be back on June 10 with a more extended post.