Poetry Friday

Poetry Friday Roundup: Word of the Year 2024 and New Adventures

Welcome to the Poetry Friday roundup for the week. For more information about Poetry Friday, click here. 
For the roundup, post your link below.

2023 Year in Review

Earlier in the week, I posted my year roundup for 2023. You can read the full post here.

Word of the Year

Last week, I posted about my reflections of my 2023 word of the year: NOTICE.
My word of the year for 2024 is GROW.
In 2024, I want to:
  • grow as a poet
  • grow as a writer
  • grow my skills as a photographer
  • figure out ways to turn disappointment into growth
  • stretch myself
  • actually grow new things in my garden
  • grow my polished manuscripts
  • grow my publishing credits
  • be a better writer in December 2024 than I am now

New Adventures in 2024


New Adventures in Poetry

Part of me growing as a poet has always been intentional study. For several years, I’ve been keeping lists of books that is a single poem as a picture book.
Some examples include:
  • Dark on Light by Dianne White
  • We are Branches by Joyce Sidman
  • I am Made of Mountains by Alexandra Hinrichs
  • The Power of Snow by Bob Raczka
  • On a Flake-Flying Day by Buffy Silverman
In the past, I’ve looked at specific types of poems as picture books:
In 2023, I featured what I was reading each week–fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing craft, etc. In 2024, for Poetry Friday, I’d like to feature a picture book that is also a poem. I’ll keep a round up here.
If you have any favorites–especially ones that are 2023 or 2024 publications, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

New Adventures in Books

Last year, I visited every public library branch in my county–23 branches in total. It just was luck that I visited 23 libraries in 2023.
This year for 24 in 2024, I want to do something a little different and a little more expensive. 
I want to visit 24 independent bookstores! My rules for this are:
  • At least one bookstore per month — I know this seems silly since there are 12 months, but I can see myself do 2-3 in one day, then skip a month. For example, I plan to visit several in NYC in February when I’m there.
  • Used bookstores count — I love used bookstores, and they are almost always locally owned, so I plan to visit as many as I can find.
  • Buy at least one book, but don’t overdo it. This could become expensive, so I’m hoping to just get one book per shop.
  • Take a picture. I hope to take a picture of each bookstore and/or each book stack.
I have a note on my phone with a big list of bookstores in places I know I’ll be this year. I’m also really fortunate because I live within 2 hours of more than 24 indie bookstores!
Because I also have a novel coming out this fall, I hope that I can visit some of these bookstores as an author as well.

Haiku of the Week

sun peeks out
flowers open spent petals
sing in winter’s wind
Haiku & Photo © 2023 Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Photo Taken: December 21, 2023 at Green Spring Gardens
Haiku Written: December 29, 2023

Poem as Picture Book

by Neil Gaiman

Poetry Connections

  • Found poetry (or at least crowdsourced)
  • List poem
  • Repetition
  • Word choice (my favorite is “breath-ice”)
  • Consonance and Alliteration
This book is crowdsourced. You know that Neil is the king of social media. He asked his followers their memories of being warm. Neil gave the poem as a gift to the UN Refugee Agency to raise money for those displaced by war and persecution. It’s illustrated by multiple illustrators. It’s 349 words long. A longish poem, but the words all need to be there.