Poetry Friday: April Books and Bookstore Roundup
24 Bookstores in 2024
April 26 was Indie Bookstore Day. I made a good attempt to support by going to Old Town Books. I wasn’t able to look at a single book—it was so packed. And while I don’t usually have issues with claustrophobia, it was too jam packed for my comfort. Plus I didn’t have an hour to wait in line because I was heading to a poetry event. I will go back to visit again on a less busy day. I came home and ordered the books I wanted from One More Page Books.
This week, I also visited my local Barnes and Noble for some books for my library. I didn’t buy anything—just window shopped.
So my grand total of bookstores visited for April is ZERO. While I stepped into two, I bought nothing. I’m ahead for the year though with 17/24 bookstores so far.
Poetry Event
My county has a poet laureate, Danielle Badra, that has been doing readings and “Poetry in the Parks” events. I have had scheduling conflicts each time. But last week, I was able to go to a reading at one of my favorite local parks. I was blown away by the poets’ work. But I was also impressed by the way the organizers took different accommodations people might need into consideration.
Poetry Month Project in Review
During Poetry Month, I wrote a draft of a poem every day inspired by something interesting I read, mostly science related.
I wasn’t able to spent more than half hour each day on this, so I think this produced only drafts. I am excited though because I now have 30 drafts that are revisable.
Here’s one from this week:
I Dream in Song
My voice dims in sleep
but I never stop
it’s not a full-throated cheer
to the morning
I hum a a quiet lullaby
in harmony with
I dream the melody
of the star
My songs never
Joys of Hanging Out with Librarians
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Spring Fling put on by Prince William County librarians by our Poetry Friday friend, and their fearless leader, Linda! I got to talk a bit about Wait, Rest, Pause, and they got to hear a little bit about my upcoming projects. It was the first place I’ve read poems from my forthcoming novel-in-verse. They asked amazing questions and fed me a great dinner! It’s always a pleasure to be around people who love books.
Books I’ve Been Reading
You Are Here edited by Ada Limon
A Year of Last Things by Michael Ondaatje
Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
Haiku of the Week
attentive chorus
tulips sing the song of spring
wind carries their tune
Haiku & Photo © 2024 Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Photo Taken: April 5, 2024 at Burnside Farms
Haiku Written: April 15, 2024
I recently mailed a haiku zine to everyone on my mailing list. If you are not on my poetry mailing list, you can sign up here. I send poetry snail mail a few times a year.
I’m making this Zine available for download on my poetry printables page.
Not sure how to fold a zine? Here’s a great tutorial (tip: you can cut instead of tearing too).
Back in January, I took a class from Julie Falatko called “A Map to Inspiration.” I signed up to take the follow up class, “Unfolding the Map.” My goal over the next 6 weeks is to do frequent creativity walks, what Cal Newport in Deep Work calls “productive meditation.” I did this a lot in the pandemic, where I’d walk with a field notes notebook. But I haven’t been doing this regularly. I’ve set a pretty lofty goal. Stay tuned to see how it goes over the next 6 weeks. I hope to walk myself to creativity until school gets out.
My Poetry Month project was a huge stretch for me. There were several days I didn’t think I would be able to write a poem a day. Keeping everything mobile really helped. I’ve been writing on the go for years. I often stuffed my journal into my bag and wrote while waiting this month.

Irene Latham
Yay for 30 poem drafts and a commitment to creativity walks! I love the way you nurture your creativity, Marcie. Beautiful! xo
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Thank you, Irene. I do love a good challenge!
Rose Cappelli
I love the idea of “walking yourself to creativity.” You’ve inspired me to build more walking into my day. SInce the dog is no longer here, I’ve slacked off a bit. Thanks for all the goodness here, as always.
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Yes, I’ve slacked off a bit in my walking too (though I’ve been really good at going to my weights classes). I had to set a mileage goal so that I could really push myself to walk more.
Tracey Kiff-Judson
Wow, Marcie! You accomplish the work of 10 poets every month! : ) I am awed by how productive, creative, and generous you are. The first part of your post immediately made me think of Amy LV’s post this week. (It also didn’t hurt that her post was immediately prior to yours in Mr. Linky’s list!)
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Oh, I’ll hop over to Amy’s post (I’m behind on reading this week). 🙂
Buffy Silverman
Congrats for accomplishing your National Poetry Month goal–and yes to having a whole slew of rough drafts to come back and tinker with! I love the image of humming a quiet lullaby in harmony with the moon while you sleep. (As an insomniac, I see that as an amazing goal!)
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Thank you, Buffy!
Verrena Diane Anderson
I enjoyed the science article and the poem it inspired.
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Thank you so much!
You are AMAZING, Marcie! I know you work. I know you have a family. I’m sure you must eat, sleep (maybe?), eat… How you pack so much creativity into whatever time is left is mind-boggling to me!
PS: I visited my sister this past week and discovered a TULIP TREE!!!
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Yay for tulip trees! Aren’t they like sherbet in a tree?! I promise, I do sleep (and eat). 🙂
Mary Lee Hahn
You Are Here is at the top of my stack, now that I’ve finished reading for the Ohioana Award (YA/Middle Grade). Columbus had an Indie Bookstore Crawl last weekend, and we attempted to buy at least one book at each of the five bookstores we went to. Our favorite was SO crowded that we had to leave knowing we give them lots of support even when it’s NOT Indie Bookstore Day! So I feel your pain!
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Yes! This is why I ordered books on the indie bookstore’s website and went back and picked them up later. 🙂 At least I supported.
Linda Baie
I always love seeing all you’re doing, Marcie, unsure how you manage it, but you are inspiring! I loved reading about those birds dreaming, and then your poem response! Congratulations on doing all 30 of your poetry month goals! Keep on, keeping on!
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
I manage a little bit of writing every day… and my house is not clean and my husband does the laundry. 🙂
Denise Krebs
Marcie, lots of wonderful color and magic here. Thank you! Congratulations on your 30 drafts! I love the image of the tulips’ song being carried on the wind. Lovely photos throughout your post.
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Thank you, Denise!
Susan T.
A poem a day. Congratulations, Marcie. I love “I Dream in Song” and can’t wait to listen to the Science Friday story about the birds. Thank you, as always, for some cool recommendations.
Marcie Flinchum Atkins
Yes, enjoy Science Friday! I love that podcast.