• Making Time to Write Monday: A Virtual Research Trip

    Last week I shared a few pictures from my research trip to Emerald Isle, NC. I spent several days there gathering a few details for my young adult novel. At the exact same time, my parents were visiting Bangkok, Thailand. They live in Thailand, but were visiting Bangkok for…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Research Trip

    The protagonist in my young adult novel is from Emerald Isle, North Carolina though very little of the book actually takes place there. I’ve been working on this book for awhile (gulp, years). I’ve tried on a few occasions to make a research trip to Emerald Isle. I did a…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Writing Retreat

    I had the most amazing gift this weekend–a weekend to write. Four of the people in my critique group went to Wintergreen Ski Resort. A generous friend lent us their condo. It was terrible skiing weather at 70 degrees, but it was perfect for writing. We ate sandwiches and…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: 2013 Writing Goals

    It’s 2013! Many people start off the year bursting to go to the gym, or to eat out less, to lose 30 lbs, or to get to bed earlier, or whatever people make resolutions about these days. I’m not a big resolution-maker. But I am a big goal writer.…

  • What’s New in 2014

    January is an exciting time—a time for new things. So on this blog, there will be some new things rolling out in 2014. Here are some of the things I have planned. For Teachers  Teacher Useletter I am introducing my useletter for teachers. I will include links to things…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: My Favorite Gifts of 2012

    It’s almost Christmas. There will soon be lots of wrapping paper all over my floor. But my favorite gifts of 2012 are not under the tree. No, I didn’t invent a way to insert more time in my day, but I have a very supportive husband who gives me…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Picture Book Challenge

    November and December can be hectic, with multiple holidays, parties, shopping, work stress. Everything seems to be heightened this time of year. It’s usually a difficult time of the year to take on new challenges. But, sometimes having my writing life can be a calm in the storm. Thankfully,…