• Making Time to Write: Interview with Jody Hobbs Hesler

    I don’t know about you, but hearing about other writers’ hectic lives helps me. It helps me realize I’m not alone in juggling my writing life with my other life responsibilities. Jody Hobbs Hesler is a fellow juggler and tells how she makes time to write (while juggling, of…

  • Making Time to Write: Interview with E.W. Clark

    I’m starting an occasional feature on my blog on Making Time to Write Mondays where I will feature a busy writer (is there ever a not busy writer?)— writer who has to juggle many hats yet is still able to make time to write. Today’s featured writer is a…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Making Writing Goals

    It’s that time of year again, the end of the year. We often reflect on our thankfulness of our blessings in the past year. But around this time I anxiously anticipate the new year. I’m not one for making New Year’s Resolutions, but I do like to create writing…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Getting Unstuck

    A couple of months ago, I’d been writing at a rapid pace in my hour every morning. It was pouring out of me. Then it wasn’t. My book that I’d been working so hard to revise was at a standstill, and I wasn’t happy about it. I could force…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Be Accountable

    Writing is a lonely job–typing into a box, scribbling onto a blank notebook. Being pre-published means that I have no deadlines. No agent or editor tapping the calendar at me. But I eventually WANT to have a book deal, which means I have to write the books. Being accountable…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Conference Inspiration

    A couple of weeks ago, I got away for the weekend to the SCBWI Mid-Atlantic Conference. I always look forward to spending some time away from my regular responsibilities to focus on my writing. I usually spend a lot of “down time” at conferences get writing done–without the distractions…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: Using a Conference as a Deadline

    Last weekend, I went away for a long weekend to the Mid-Atlantic SCBWI conference. I’d known about it for months, planned ahead in my job, my personal life, and even my writing. I set goals for myself of things I wanted to have accomplished in my writing before I…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: You Only Have 5 Minutes?

    Five minutes? What can you possible do in 5 minutes? A lot. Check this out.   This is my collection of what I’ve done in 5 minute spurts in the last week. It’s a big hot mess. However, every single note to myself was written in 5 minutes or…

  • Making Time to Write Monday: If You Only Have 15 Minutes

    I am a teacher by day. It just hit me this week that I think teaching has forced me to master efficiency. On any given day, I typically have between 0 minutes-60 minutes of planning time. The average is 30-50 minutes. However, there are many days that I’m lucky…