Poetry Friday: Walk and Talks
Today’s Poetry Friday roundup is over at Poetry for Children. I’m a big routine person. I know a lot of creatives who don’t write or create every day, but I tend to do better if I do. I noticed a few months ago that I loved my weekday routines,…
Poetry Friday: Nature Journaling
Today’s Poetry Friday roundup is over at Kathryn Apel’s blog. Last year, I started exploring nature journaling. I’m not very good at drawing or painting. But I still wanted to try. No one needed to see my drawings, but I wanted to give it a go. I started with…
Jumping Back in to Poetry Friday
It’s been years since I posted on Poetry Friday, a community of poets who post their poetry or about poetry each Friday. I’ve been working on writing poetry daily for about a year, so I’m going to attempt to share some of that here. I’ve also been sharing my…
Poetry Resources (Including Printable Lists)
Book Lists I have been doing some compiling of old posts. I updated two different poetry book lists and made them into printables for easy filing and access. HAIKU POETRY ANNOTATED BOOK LIST This list is all of my favorite haiku books of all time, including some new favorites.…
Hi, Koo! by Jon J. Muth, Poetry Mentor Text
Hi, Koo! A Year of Seasons Written and illustrated by Jon J. Muth Scholastic Press, 2014 I’m a huge fan of haiku books, and I have a huge collection of haiku picture books. For an annotated haiku book list, click here. This particular book follows Koo, a panda, through…
Mentor Text Tip Tuesday: Haiku Magnets
Tip: Make Haiku Magnets I love writing haiku with my students. One of the tricky parts about writing haiku is getting to them to be highly selective with their word choice. I ban words like cool, awesome, great, fun. But sometimes it’s hard to for them to know what…
Mentor Text Lesson: Stone Bench in an Empty Park, selected by Paul B. Janeczko
A couple of weeks ago, I posted an annotated list of haiku books for using in the elementary classroom. The truth is, haiku is one of my favorite things to teach and write. So for the other haiku teachers out there, I give you a mentor text lesson plan for…
VerseDay: A Valentine Gift for You
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m not one for jewelry and fancy dinners. But I am a big fan of books. On one of my first Valentine’s Days with my husband, I asked him for a gigantic print dictionary. He was leery. I was thrilled! So my Valentine gift to you…