NF10for10 2018: Sidebars are Not for Skipping
As a kid, I’m pretty sure I only read sidebars if they looked interesting. But there are a whole bunch of nonfiction picture books with excellent sidebars. As a writer and a librarian I’ve been keenly interested in nonfiction books that have two levels of text—a main text and…
NF10for10 2016: Nonfiction Books as Mentor Texts for Writing
This is the first time I’m doing a 10 for 10 post as a librarian instead of a classroom teacher. There are a few differences in this: 1) I’m in a position now where people are asking for book recommendations on a daily basis, and 2) I am in…
NF 10 for 10: Nonfiction Poetic Picture Books
I’ve been reading a lot of nonfiction picture books lately because we are doing a nonfiction mentor text book study at my school using FINDING THE HEART OF NONFICTION by Georgia Heard. One of the things I admire about nonfiction is an author’s ability to convey facts…