Poetry Friday: What did I NOTICE in 2023?
Michelle Kogan is hosting this week. Hop on over there for the roundup. 2023 Word of the Year: Notice In 2023, my word of the year has been NOTICE. As I reflect on the year, and ponder the word I’ve chosen…
Poetry Friday: Favorite Adult Reads of 2023
Jone is our host this week. Hop on over there for the roundup. Haiku Calendar Giveaway The winner of last week’s haiku calendar giveaway is Irene Latham! Irene, the 2024 Haiku Calendar is winging it’s way to you! The other people who entered should have received an email…
Poetry Friday: Haiku Giveaway
Janice at Salt City Verse is our host today. Haiku Calendar Giveaway I made a 2024 calendar of never-before-seen haiku and photos. I usually give them as gifts to editors and critique partners. But I saved one to use as a giveaway for Poetry Friday. …
Poetry Friday: My Favorite Writing Things
Patricia Franz, my Nevermores poetry buddy, is our host for today. The Nevermores is a group on Inked Voices that gives each other prompts each week. Since we’ve been in the group together, we’ve written to 102 prompts! I’m so proud of us! My Favorite Writing Things …
Poetry Friday: The Museum on the Moon
Anastasia Suen at Small Poems is hosting today. Hop on over there for the roundup. The Museum on the Moon The Museum on the Moon by Irene Latham Illustrated by Myriam Wares Moonshower 2023 I’m a bit late at celebrating this magnificent poetry…
Poetry Friday: On a Flake-Flying Day
This week’s Poetry Friday host is Jama at Jama’s Alphabet Soup. https://jamarattigan.com/ On a Flake-Flying Day On a Flake-Flying Day: Watching Nature’s Wonders by Buffy Silverman Millbrook Press, 2023 On a Flake-Flying Day is another book in Buffy Silverman’s season series. You can see…
Poetry Friday: Monarchs
Carol at Beyond Literacy Link is our Poetry Friday host today. Hop on over there to read the roundup. New Poem I have a haiku coming out in this new poetry anthology about monarchs. I also see some other poetry friends among the contributors. It’s…
Poetry Friday September 15, 2023
My Nevermores poetry buddy, Rose, is hosting Poetry Friday today. Hop on over there for the roundup. Haiku of the Week skipper weaves legs through prickly buttonbush— anything for sweets Haiku & Photo © 2023 Marcie Flinchum Atkins Photo Taken: July 10, 2023…
Poetry Friday: What is Hope Anthology
Amy Ludwig VanDerwater is our Poetry Friday host this week at Poem Farm. Hop on over there for the roundup. What is Hope Poetry Anthology I’m excited to have a poem in the new poetry anthology edited by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong. WHAT IS HOPE…
Poetry Friday: The Sealey Challenge Roundup
Ramona at Pleasures from the Page is our Poetry Friday host today. Hop on over there for the roundup. The Sealey Challenge Roundup This week, I finished up The Sealey Challenge. Here are this week’s reads. Just like last week, I found a note in…