Poetry Friday: February 21, 2025
Laura Purdie Salas is our host for the week. Hop on over there for the roundup. Wait, Rest, Pause in the Wild I got my first Google Alert on Wait, Rest, Pause in a long time! It was great news that this book is a storybook trail…
Poetry Friday: Paperback News, Sealey Challenge Update and More!
Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone is our host today. Hop on over there for the roundup. Wait Rest Pause Out in Paperback This week Wait, Rest, Pause: Dormancy in Nature came out in paperback. I’m excited that this book will be more affordable for teachers…
Poetry Friday July 26 Roundup is Here!
I’m the host this week for Poetry Friday. If you are new here, welcome! We love expanding the poetry circle. You are welcome to lurk and read, comment, and/or share your own post. Dip your toes in or do a cannonball! At the bottom of this post is…
Poetry Friday: Haiku Giveaway
Janice at Salt City Verse is our host today. Haiku Calendar Giveaway I made a 2024 calendar of never-before-seen haiku and photos. I usually give them as gifts to editors and critique partners. But I saved one to use as a giveaway for Poetry Friday. …
Poetry Friday Hosting & Wait, Rest, Pause Companion Books
Welcome Poetry Friday friends! I’m hosting this week. I hope you’ll enjoy reading everyone’s posts. Drop your link in the roundup at the end. Wait, Rest, Pause Companion Books Way back in pre-COVID times, my book WAIT, REST, PAUSE: DORMANCY IN NATURE came out in the fall…
Wait, Rest, Pause Links (and more)
Wait, Rest, Pause News This has been such a whirlwind of a fall. I’ve been busy with various events around WAIT, REST, PAUSE: DORMANCY IN NATURE. WAIT, REST, PAUSE was just listed as one of the Evanston Public Librarians “Great Books of 2019.” Thank you to Betsy Bird and…
Wait, Rest, Pause Launch Day and a Prize!
Today is the day! Wait, Rest, Pause: Dormancy in Nature launches into the world. Many thanks to the team at Millbrook Press/Lerner! If you want to order this book, check out these links: For personalized, signed preorders, please visit this link. Order from Lerner Order from Amazon Order from…
Dormancy Fun Fact #6
My book, WAIT, REST, PAUSE: DORMANCY IN NATURE comes out on September 3, 2019. During the week leading up to the launch, I’m sharing fun facts about dormancy. Most of these are outtakes–things that couldn’t fit into the book fully. My hope is that teachers and librarians will share…
Dormancy Fun Fact #4
My book, WAIT, REST, PAUSE: DORMANCY IN NATURE comes out on September 3, 2019. During the week leading up to the launch, I’m sharing fun facts about dormancy. Most of these are outtakes–things that couldn’t fit into the book fully. My hope is that teachers and librarians will share…
Dormancy Fun Fact #2
My book, WAIT, REST, PAUSE: DORMANCY IN NATURE comes out on September 3, 2019. During the week leading up to the launch, I’m sharing fun facts about dormancy. Most of these are outtakes–things that couldn’t fit into the book fully. My hope is that teachers and librarians will share…