Making Time to Write Monday: Organizing Your Writing Life #2 Done Lists
Last week my organizational post on Making Time to Write Monday focused on what to do with To-Do lists. This week we’ll talk about DONE lists. Well, you might say that I just mark off my to-do list and that’s my DONE list. But sometimes you need a little…
Making Time to Write Monday: How a Class Can Get You On Track
I just took a class called Time to Write with Kelly Stone through WOW: Women on Writing. It seems like a class I would take, don’t you think? I was familiar with Kelly through her book TIME TO WRITE, which I read last year. When I saw she was teaching…
Write On, Mom Interview
Today I have an interview at Jenny Lee Sulpizio’s site. She hosted me for her Write On Mom interview. Head over to her site to read it.
Writing Quote Wednesday: Snow Day
“If it turns out you’re not as good as the competition, you have two options: give up or get better.” —Resilience by Mark McGuinness Where I live, I rarely miss work due to snow. It snows, but our street-cleaners are fast. The fact that I’ve been gifted these…
Making Time to Write Monday: 2013 Writing Goals
It’s 2013! Many people start off the year bursting to go to the gym, or to eat out less, to lose 30 lbs, or to get to bed earlier, or whatever people make resolutions about these days. I’m not a big resolution-maker. But I am a big goal writer.…
Making Time to Write: Interview with E.W. Clark
I’m starting an occasional feature on my blog on Making Time to Write Mondays where I will feature a busy writer (is there ever a not busy writer?)— writer who has to juggle many hats yet is still able to make time to write. Today’s featured writer is a…
Making Time to Write Monday: What a Difference an Hour Makes
If you are like me, writing time is limited. I’m juggling a day job, a family, and my writing. I have specific goals for I want to accomplish (more on this later). I am lucky if I get one solid hour of uninterrupted writing time. There are days I…